"I’ve been under Paul’s tutelage for a little over two months now. I had finally reached rock bottom, in terms of my physical appearance, my physical health and my self esteem or lack thereof. I remember looking in the mirror and deciding I had to make some changes.
Adam's 8 Week Progress
Paul came in and completely revolutionized my nutrition. I “knew better” but I had always just eaten whatever I fancied. When I shared my diet with Paul, he very subtlety suggested there was room for improvement. He could easily have been a lot harsher! Out went saturated fats and sugars...I felt like a zombie for the first few days and wondered if I’d be able to stick with the program.
The workouts were tough, staying awake was tough! However, this diet quickly became the new norm and I started to feel massive benefits. My physical ailments weren’t as noticeable throughout the day as my digestive system was given a well-earned rest after 33 years of abuse! I’m my own harshest critic but Paul has been supportive from the get go and it’s genuine. He’s given me pep talks when necessary and compliments when deserved but he’ll keep it real. I know he knows if I’m maintaining my end of the bargain so I have hardly missed a step. This accountability has been key to me persevering.
Adam's 8 Week Progress
I’m starting to like the look of the guy I see in the mirror again, and with the fact I feel better, well my self esteem is slowing reappearing. I’m not going to trivialize the fact I’ve put in the hard yards but I am extremely grateful and indebted to Paul. I’ve also noticed, as you progress, your goals shift. It’s exciting and I can’t wait to see what I can achieve now, in and out of the gym."