"When I was considering who to ask to help me get into the best shape I possibly could for my wedding, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that I’d ask Paul to help me. Having watched my fiancé transform his physique before my own eyes from a man who never hit the gym to someone who is in fantastic shape I already had proof that Paul knew what he was doing.
Sarah in January....
So, I rocked up on day 1- having spent 2 years doing bootcamp (which I loved for its community aspect) with excellent cardio fitness but not much in the way of strength. I’d also been eating at minimum calories for such a long time that the word “carbs” (apart from a glass of bubbles of course) didn’t feature in my vocabulary. Cue Paul: he told me to stop the cardio, do less exercise and eat more. Well, that had me freaking out and questioning his credentials pretty quickly. What followed was 5 months of gruelling workouts and excellent nutritional advice including a weekly check in with Paul to make sure the plan suited me and my needs. Paul made sure to check in with me at every step, always managed to tailor the workouts so they felt just that bit more challenging than the last plan and to explain to me exactly why I was eating what I was eating. It’s hard to capture just how much I appreciated his steady support, good hearted banter during workout sessions and confidence that yes, I could indeed lift more than the last session ;).
I would recommend Paul to anyone looking to put in the work, understand the fitness lifestyle and what it really takes to get to the next level. At the end of the day, I feel stronger than I ever have before, healthier (thanks to his insistence on more carbs - not in the form of bubbles- and calories in general) and more “defined” than I ever have before. Had you told me 5 years ago that deadlifting 50kg was possible - I’d say no way! Thanks Paul, your commitment to your work, your passion for what you do and your friendly and good hearted nature has made what could have been a really tough 5 months fly by! I do think my future husband will be glad of not having to eat tuna and mushrooms for dinner for a while though....
P.s I still hate lunges "
Sarah in May