Curate Your Fat Loss Environment

Willpower is like a muscle that fatigues each time you call upon it. It depletes with use across the day.

Therefore long-term weight loss success is predicated on your ability to curate an environment that doesn’t rely on willpower and discipline.

Start by doing an audit of your kitchen pantry & fridge. They say you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with; so choose your friends wisely! By the same token you are the average of the 5 foods/meals you eat the most. What foods do you eat most often? Do these foods assist or hamper your weight loss goals?

Let's talk about friction.

The goal is to increase the friction for things you are trying to avoid/restrict and reduce friction for things you are trying to consume.

How can you make it harder to eat the things you are trying to restrict (increased friction)? 

Throw them out.

Place them right at the back of the fridge/pantry so they are out of sight.

Place them in a container that is difficult to open.

Remove take away delivery apps from your phone.

How can you make it easier to make healthy choices (reduced friction)?

Stock up on foods you want to focus on eating.

Pre-cook some protein (such as chicken breast or eggs) so you have a high protein snack ready to go.

Chop up fruit and vegetables and have them in clear containers at the front of the fridge so they are highly visible and easy to reach.

Stock these foods at work too so you always have a healthy option on hand.

Use marinades, spices and herbs to make your lean proteins more tasty (without adding tons of calories from sauces).

Your environment is malleable, so shape it to suit your needs.