If you always do the basics, you'll be advanced

One of the great ironies about those with the best physiques is that they aren't privy to lots of advanced information or methods. You may think that those with the best physiques are doing things that you have no hope of ever doing. This couldn't be further from the truth.

The difference is that those who are most successful always do the basics. They are consistent with all the mundane, basic things that many might dismiss as 'too easy' or 'too basic' to worry about. Nothing could be more from the truth. Mastering the basics is what makes you advanced.

So what are the basics, as it pertains to fat loss, I hear you ask. To me, here are some of the fundamentals you need to do consistently: -

  • Drink plenty of water: There is little point giving blanket recommendations here. The amount of water you should be drinking for optimal health and performance will vary depending on body size, activity levels, climate etc. So rather than give direct recommendations you should always ensure your urine is a clear or light, straw colour at all times. 

  • Consume a diet high in protein: It is much easier to give recommendations here - if you are strength training and trying to gain muscle or lose fat you should be consuming 2g of protein per kg of bodyweight per day. The main thing I notice with almost all clients when they start with me is they are not consuming enough protein. You need to ensure you are meeting these protein recommendations day-in, day-out. 

  • Consume the correct number of calories: To begin with, this may mean using an app to help track the number of calories in the foods you regularly eat. Understanding the calorie content of foods you regularly consume will allow you to step away from tracking over the longer-term because you will have built up a greater level of awareness. It will also ensure you are aware of how many calories you are consuming and will allow you to adjust your intake based on your goals. 

  • Perform resistance training: I recommend that if you are looking to lose body fat, you should be doing a minimum of 2 strength training sessions per week to ensure you provide your body with a stimulus to build strength and hold onto muscle mass.

  • Keep day-to-day activity levels high: Those that are most successful at losing fat and maintaining it over the long-term understand the power of maintaining high activity levels. An easy way of assessing how active you are is via your daily step-count. 

  • Eat a nutrient dense diet: Ensuring that the majority of the foods you eat are whole and minimally processed means that you provide the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs for optimal health and well-being. These foods will also help to keep you fuller for longer, making the fat loss process less arduous.

All of this can be dismissed as too simple to focus on, or stuff that you have heard a million times before. However, if you were to analyse anyone who has been successful at losing fat and maintaining it, they will have absolutely nailed these basics and incorporated them as part of their lifestyle. These aren't things you do for 12 weeks and then forget about. These are things you continue to do for life. 

So remember:  if you always do the basics you'll be advanced.