Matteo came to me in May with the goal of getting back on stage to compete in the ICN Male Physique Category having previously competed 3 years ago in the Bodybuilding class.
I wanted to get some insight into how the last few months had been for him and some of the challenges he had faced.
Having been on stage twice myself, I know the sacrifices and hard work that go into getting into the kind of shape to compete at these events. Not only do you need to endure the physical rigours, but you have to be mentally strong above all else. Having the support of others around you is absolutely vital. Despite the fact that it is very much an individual pursuit, often the support of others is absolutely vital in order to succeed.
Here is how Matteo looked when he came to me in May: -
Q. What made you want to compete and get back on stage again?
Matteo: “I had the desire to push myself to achieve more and more to keep me 'alive'. I wanted to prove to myself that I am able to achieve everything I want with hard work and a good mentality.”
Q. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced and how did you overcome these?
Matteo: “Keeping the motivation and dedication after very long and stressful days at work with the constant temptation of cheat meals (as I am a pastry chef haha) was the most difficult. I tried my best to focus on short term goals, like thinking of one meal at a time, one training session at a day. The fear of dissapointment of undoing the previous day's hard work pushed me to stick to the training plan.
Q. What are your goals for the future?
Matteo: “My goal now is not to repeat the mistake I made three years ago after my last comp. Keeping up the consistency of training with healthy eating and healthy habits will be my priority.”
Q. What advice would you give to others looking to compete?
Matteo: “Don't be afraid to think big and follow your dreams. Remember it's never too late to start, and remember why you started. Lastly, get trained by the best in the industry - Paul Stevenson, surround yourself with like-minded people and a positive team. Enjoy the journey as every rep is progress made.”
Matteo after his Competition in Canberra where he placed 2nd in the Novice and Open Male Physique category