Laura Farrell - Testimonial

“I have been coached by Paul for a few years now and this year has been my most significant in terms of what I have accomplished with his guidance. I have had quite a journey from when I first took up strength training in 2015, learning various methods from coaches through goals in bodybuilding and powerlifting.


This year I have made time to reflect on everything I have learned from Paul and my previous coaches to date and had an aha moment after a gradual weight gain and falling out of shape over a series of months post my wedding in 2019. It was the first time I had ever experienced any significant weight gain. It was caused by inconsistency with nutrition over this time and making frequent sub optimal choices. For me it comes down to nutrition and I never found a truly happy place with this since I began.

This year we set a goal for me to find this by tracking my set macros in my fitness pal and eating whatever I enjoy and factoring in any alcohol consumed while ensuring it hit my targets consistently. Sounds pretty simple right? Prior to this new approach I would give up alcohol or cut out certain foods when dieting down and once I reintroduced them I would digress.

Progress from July 2020-December 2020

Progress from July 2020-December 2020

I managed to lose 8kg over 5 months by training 4 days a week, regular walks and being really consistent with my nutrition while including many social events, holidays, drinks and any food I wished to enjoy. I don’t punish myself after a weekend of extra indulgences by trying to burn extra calories etc, I just return back to normal the next day and still progress as planned. It’s felt like a rollercoaster at times with a few challenges along the way and I am so grateful to Paul for his patience, sensitivity and for keeping me grounded when any doubts start to creep in. I have made great improvements in different aspects of my training but the main accomplishment is what I have learned with my nutrition. I am very confident in self managing this and have finally found a sustainable approach that makes me happy.

I continue to work with Paul as he gives me the space to learn and grow while supportively challenging me when needed. Paul considers my individual lifestyle and supports me to achieve me goals around this rather than expecting me to stop what I enjoy. Such a lovely, genuine person and so glad he’s my coach!”